Source code for bioturing_connector.lens_sc_connector

"""Python package for submitting/getting data from Lens SC"""

import os
import numpy as np

from typing import List
from typing import Union
from pathlib import Path

from .common import get_uuid
from .common import common

from .typing import Species
from .typing import StudyType
from .typing import ChunkSize
from .typing import TechnologyType
from .typing import INPUT_LENS_SC

from .connector import Connector

[docs] class LensSCConnector(Connector): """ Create a connector object to submit/get data from BioTuring Lens Single-cell (Xenium/Cosmx/Vizgen/Proteomics) Parameters ---------- host : str The URL of the LENS SC server, only support HTTPS connection\n Example: token : str The API token to verify authority. Generated in-app. """ def _check_lens_sc_study_type(self, study_type): if study_type not in [ StudyType.VIZGEN.value, StudyType.COSMX.value, StudyType.XENIUM.value, ]: raise Exception('Unsupported study_type, please recheck the imported connector \n(should be LensSCConnector for this study_type)') def _check_vizgen_version_2(self, study_type, all_input_files): if study_type != StudyType.VIZGEN.value: return study_type for i in all_input_files: if i.lower().endswith('.parquet'): return StudyType.VIZGEN_V2.value return StudyType.VIZGEN.value def _check_valid_input_lens_sc( self, server_files_path, server_folders_path, study_type, ): input_files = INPUT_LENS_SC[study_type]['files'].values() input_folders = INPUT_LENS_SC[study_type]['folders'].values() file_paths = [] folder_paths = [] for f in input_files: try: file_path = [x for x in server_files_path if x.lower().endswith(f)][0] file_paths.append(file_path.split('/')[-1]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Cannot find ***{} in selected folder. Error: {}'.format(f, e)) for f in input_folders: try: folder_path = [x for x in server_folders_path if x.lower().endswith(f)][0] folder_paths.append(folder_path.split('/')[-1]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Cannot find {} in selected folder. Error: {}'.format(f, e)) return file_paths, folder_paths def _get_required_files_fols_lens_sc(self, server_dir_path, study_type): all_files_fols = [ os.path.join(server_dir_path, x) for x in os.listdir(server_dir_path) ] all_files = [ x for x in all_files_fols if os.path.isfile(x) ] all_folders = [ x for x in all_files_fols if os.path.isdir(x) ] study_type = self._check_vizgen_version_2(study_type, all_files_fols) return self._check_valid_input_lens_sc(all_files, all_folders, study_type) def _upload_fol_lens_sc(self, batch_info, study_type, chunk_size): final_file_names = [] final_files = [] try: for batch in batch_info: files_path, fols_path = self._get_required_files_fols_lens_sc( batch['folder'], study_type ) zip_path = os.path.join( batch['folder'], '{}.zip'.format(batch['name']) ) print ('Zipping neccesary files of batch [{}]. \nLocation: {}'.format(batch['name'], zip_path)) final_file_names.append('{}.zip'.format(batch['name'])) final_files.append(zip_path) os.system('cd {} && zip -r {} {} && cd -'.format( batch['folder'], zip_path, ' '.join(files_path + fols_path) )) print ('Uploading all files to server...') output_dir = self.upload_chunk( final_file_names, [Path(zip_path)], chunk_size ) except Exception as e: raise e finally: for zip_path in final_files: print ('Delete zip files: [{}]'.format(zip_path)) os.system('rm {}'.format(zip_path)) return output_dir def _submit_study( self, group_id: str, study_id: str = None, name: str = 'TBD', authors: List[str] = [], abstract: str = '', species: str = Species.HUMAN.value, study_type: int = StudyType.XENIUM.value, technology_type: str = TechnologyType.LENS_SC.value, min_counts: int = None, min_genes: int = None, max_counts: int = None, max_genes: int = None, neg_controls_percentage: Union[int, float] = None, ): if study_id is None: study_id = get_uuid() if min_counts is None: min_counts = 0 if min_genes is None: min_genes = 0 if max_counts is None: max_counts = 1e9 if max_genes is None: max_genes = 1e9 if neg_controls_percentage is None: neg_controls_percentage = 100 study_info = { 'study_hash_id': study_id, 'name': name, 'authors': authors if authors else [], 'abstract': abstract } return { 'species': species, 'group_id': group_id, 'filter_params': { 'min_counts': min_counts, 'min_genes': min_genes, 'max_counts': max_counts, 'max_genes': max_genes, 'neg_controls_percentage': neg_controls_percentage, }, 'study_type': technology_type, 'platform': study_type, 'study_info': study_info, }
[docs] def submit_study_from_s3_lens_sc( self, group_id: str, s3_id: str = None, batch_info: List[dict] = [], study_id: str = None, name: str = 'TBD', authors: List[str] = [], abstract: str = '', species: str = Species.HUMAN.value, study_type: int = StudyType.XENIUM.value, min_counts: int = None, min_genes: int = None, max_counts: int = None, max_genes: int = None, neg_controls_percentage: Union[int, float] = None, ): """ Submit multiple single cell - spatial folders. Parameters ---------- group_id : str ID of the group to submit the data to. s3_id : str, Optional ID of s3 bucket. Default: None\n If s3_id is not provided, we will use the first s3 bucket configured on the platform. batch_info : List[dict] File path and batch name information, the path DOES NOT include the bucket path configured on platform!\n Example: [{ 'name': 'study_1',\n 'folder': 's3_path/study_folder', }, {...}] study_id : str, optional Will be the displaying name of study (eg: COSMX_BRAIN). Default: uuidv4\n name : str, optional Name of the study. Default: 'TBD' authors : List[str], optional Authors of the study. Default: [] abstract : str, optional Abstract of the study. Default: '' species : bioturing_connector.typing.Species, optional Species of the study. Default: 'human'.\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.Species.HUMAN.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.MOUSE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.PRIMATE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.OTHERS.value\n study_type : bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType, optional Format of the study. Default: bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.XENIUM.value.\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.VIZGEN.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.COSMX.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.XENIUM.value\n min_counts : int, optional Minimum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 min_genes : int, optional Minimum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 max_counts : int, optional Maximum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf max_genes : int, optional Maximum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf neg_controls_percentage : int, optional Maximum number of control/negative genes percentage required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 100\n Ranging from 0 to 100 Returns ---------- Submission status : bool | str True or Error log """ self._check_lens_sc_study_type(study_type) data = self._submit_study( group_id, study_id, name, authors, abstract, species, study_type, TechnologyType.LENS_SC.value, min_counts, min_genes, max_counts, max_genes, neg_controls_percentage, ) data['batch_info'] = {o['name']: o for o in batch_info} data['s3_id'] = s3_id submission_status = self.post_request( api_route='api/v1/submit_study_from_s3', data=data ) task_id = common.parse_submission_status(submission_status) if task_id is None: return False return self.get_submission_log( group_id=group_id, task_id=task_id )
[docs] def submit_study_from_s3_proteomics( self, group_id: str, s3_id: str = None, batch_info: dict = dict(), study_id: str = None, name: str = 'TBD', authors: List[str] = [], abstract: str = '', species: str = Species.HUMAN.value, min_counts: int = None, min_genes: int = None, max_counts: int = None, max_genes: int = None ): """ Submit one Proteomics image. Parameters ---------- group_id : str ID of the group to submit the data to. s3_id : str, Optional ID of s3 bucket. Default: None\n If s3_id is not provided, we will use the first s3 bucket configured on the platform. batch_info : Dict[] File path and batch name information, the path DOES NOT included the bucket path!\n Example: { 'image': 's3_path/image.ome.tiff' } study_id : str, optional Will be the displaying name of study (eg: CODEX_BRAIN). Default: uuidv4 name : str, optional Name of the study. Default: 'TBD' authors : List[str], optional Authors of the study. Default: [] abstract : str, optional Abstract of the study. Default: '' species : bioturing_connector.typing.Species, optional Species of the study. Default: 'human'.\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.Species.HUMAN.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.MOUSE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.PRIMATE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.OTHERS.value\n min_counts : int, optional Minimum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 min_genes : int, optional Minimum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 max_counts : int, optional Maximum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf max_genes : int, optional Maximum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf Returns ---------- Submission status : bool | str True or Error log """ data = self._submit_study( group_id, study_id, name, authors, abstract, species, -1, TechnologyType.PROTEOMICS.value, min_counts, min_genes, max_counts, max_genes ) batch_info_name = batch_info['image'].split('/')[-1] data['batch_info'] = {batch_info_name: {'name': batch_info_name, 'image': batch_info['image']}} data['s3_id'] = s3_id submission_status = self.post_request( api_route='api/v1/submit_study_from_s3', data=data ) task_id = common.parse_submission_status(submission_status) if task_id is None: return False return self.get_submission_log( group_id=group_id, task_id=task_id )
[docs] def submit_study_from_shared_s3_lens_sc( self, group_id: str, shared_s3_id: str, batch_info: List[dict] = [], study_id: str = None, name: str = 'TBD', authors: List[str] = [], abstract: str = '', species: str = Species.HUMAN.value, study_type: int = StudyType.XENIUM.value, min_counts: int = None, min_genes: int = None, max_counts: int = None, max_genes: int = None, neg_controls_percentage: Union[int, float] = None, ): """ Submit multiple single cell - spatial folders. Parameters ---------- group_id : str ID of the group to submit the data to. shared_s3_id : str ID of s3 bucket. batch_info : List[dict] File path and batch name information, the path DOES NOT include the bucket path configured on platform!\n Example: [{ 'name': 'study_1',\n 'folder': 's3_path/study_folder', }, {...}] study_id : str, optional Will be the displaying name of study (eg: COSMX_BRAIN). Default: uuidv4\n name : str, optional Name of the study. Default: 'TBD' authors : List[str], optional Authors of the study. Default: [] abstract : str, optional Abstract of the study. Default: '' species : bioturing_connector.typing.Species, optional Species of the study. Default: 'human'.\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.Species.HUMAN.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.MOUSE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.PRIMATE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.OTHERS.value\n study_type : bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType, optional Format of the study. Default: bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.XENIUM.value.\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.VIZGEN.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.COSMX.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.XENIUM.value\n min_counts : int, optional Minimum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 min_genes : int, optional Minimum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 max_counts : int, optional Maximum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf max_genes : int, optional Maximum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf neg_controls_percentage : int, optional Maximum number of control/negative genes percentage required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 100\n Ranging from 0 to 100 Returns ---------- Submission status : bool | str True or Error log """ self._check_lens_sc_study_type(study_type) data = self._submit_study( group_id, study_id, name, authors, abstract, species, study_type, TechnologyType.LENS_SC.value, min_counts, min_genes, max_counts, max_genes, neg_controls_percentage, ) data['batch_info'] = {o['name']: o for o in batch_info} data['shared_s3_id'] = shared_s3_id submission_status = self.post_request( api_route='api/v1/submit_study_from_shared_s3', data=data ) task_id = common.parse_submission_status(submission_status) if task_id is None: return False return self.get_submission_log( group_id=group_id, task_id=task_id )
[docs] def submit_study_from_shared_s3_proteomics( self, group_id: str, shared_s3_id: str = None, batch_info: dict = dict(), study_id: str = None, name: str = 'TBD', authors: List[str] = [], abstract: str = '', species: str = Species.HUMAN.value, min_counts: int = None, min_genes: int = None, max_counts: int = None, max_genes: int = None ): """ Submit one Proteomics image. Parameters ---------- group_id : str ID of the group to submit the data to. shared_s3_id : str, Optional ID of s3 bucket batch_info : Dict[] File path and batch name information, the path DOES NOT included the bucket path!\n Example: { 'image': 's3_path/image.ome.tiff' } study_id : str, optional Will be the displaying name of study (eg: CODEX_BRAIN). Default: uuidv4 name : str, optional Name of the study. Default: 'TBD' authors : List[str], optional Authors of the study. Default: [] abstract : str, optional Abstract of the study. Default: '' species : bioturing_connector.typing.Species, optional Species of the study. Default: 'human'.\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.Species.HUMAN.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.MOUSE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.PRIMATE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.OTHERS.value\n min_counts : int, optional Minimum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 min_genes : int, optional Minimum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 max_counts : int, optional Maximum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf max_genes : int, optional Maximum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf Returns ---------- Submission status : bool | str True or Error log """ data = self._submit_study( group_id, study_id, name, authors, abstract, species, -1, TechnologyType.PROTEOMICS.value, min_counts, min_genes, max_counts, max_genes ) batch_info_name = batch_info['image'].split('/')[-1] data['batch_info'] = {batch_info_name: {'name': batch_info_name, 'image': batch_info['image']}} data['shared_s3_id'] = shared_s3_id submission_status = self.post_request( api_route='api/v1/submit_study_from_shared_s3', data=data ) task_id = common.parse_submission_status(submission_status) if task_id is None: return False return self.get_submission_log( group_id=group_id, task_id=task_id )
[docs] def submit_study_from_local_lens_sc( self, group_id: str, batch_info: List[dict], study_id: str = None, name: str = 'TBD', authors: List[str] = [], abstract: str = '', species: str = Species.HUMAN.value, study_type: int = StudyType.XENIUM.value, min_counts: int = None, min_genes: int = None, max_counts: int = None, max_genes: int = None, neg_controls_percentage: Union[int, float] = None, chunk_size: int = ChunkSize.CHUNK_100_MB.value, ): """ Submit multiple single cell - spatial folders. Parameters ---------- group_id : str ID of the group to submit the data to. batch_info : List[dict] File path and batch name information\n Example: [{ 'name': 'dataset_1',\n 'folder': 'server_path/dataset_folder_1', }, {...}] study_id : str, optional Will be the displaying name of study (eg: COSMX_BRAIN). Default: uuidv4 name : str, optional Name of the study. Default: 'TBD' authors : List[str], optional Authors of the study. Default: [] abstract : str, optional Abstract of the study. Default: '' species : bioturing_connector.typing.Species, optional Species of the study. Default: 'human'.\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.Species.HUMAN.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.MOUSE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.PRIMATE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.OTHERS.value\n study_type : bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType, optional Format of the study. Default: bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.XENIUM.value\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.VIZGEN.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.COSMX.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.StudyType.XENIUM.value\n min_counts : int, optional Minimum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 min_genes : int, optional Minimum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 max_counts : int, optional Maximum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf max_genes : int, optional Maximum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf neg_controls_percentage : int, optional Maximum number of control/negative genes percentage required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 100\n Ranging from 0 to 100 chunk_size : bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize, optional Size of each separated chunk for uploading. Default: 104857600\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize.CHUNK_5_MB.value bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize.CHUNK_100_MB.value bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize.CHUNK_500_MB.value bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize.CHUNK_1_GB.value Returns ---------- Submission status : bool | str True or Error log """ self._check_lens_sc_study_type(study_type) if len(np.unique([x['name'] for x in batch_info])) != len(batch_info): raise Exception('Names of batches must be unique') if chunk_size not in [e.value for e in ChunkSize]: return 'only support:\n{},\n{},\n{},\n{}'.format( 'ChunkSize.CHUNK_5_MB.value', 'ChunkSize.CHUNK_100_MB.value', 'ChunkSize.CHUNK_500_MB.value', 'ChunkSize.CHUNK_1_GB.value', ) output_dir = self._upload_fol_lens_sc(batch_info, study_type, chunk_size) data = self._submit_study( group_id, study_id, name, authors, abstract, species, study_type, TechnologyType.LENS_SC.value, min_counts, min_genes, max_counts, max_genes, neg_controls_percentage, ) data['study_path'] = output_dir data['batch_info'] = [o['name'] for o in batch_info] submission_status = self.post_request( api_route='api/v1/submit_study_from_local', data=data ) task_id = common.parse_submission_status(submission_status) if task_id is None: return False return self.get_submission_log( group_id=group_id, task_id=task_id )
[docs] def submit_study_from_local_proteomics( self, group_id: str, batch_info: dict, study_id: str = None, name: str = 'TBD', authors: List[str] = [], abstract: str = '', species: str = Species.HUMAN.value, min_counts: int = None, min_genes: int = None, max_counts: int = None, max_genes: int = None, chunk_size: int = ChunkSize.CHUNK_100_MB.value, ): """ Submit one Proteomics image. Parameters ---------- group_id : str ID of the group to submit the data to. batch_info : List[] File path and batch name information\n Example: { 'image': 'server_path/image.ome.tiff' } study_id : str, optional Will be the displaying name of study (eg: CODEX_BRAIN). Default: uuidv4 name : str, optional Name of the study. Default: 'TBD' authors : List[str], optional Authors of the study. Default: [] abstract : str, optional Abstract of the study. Default: '' species : bioturing_connector.typing.Species, optional Species of the study. Default: 'human'\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.Species.HUMAN.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.MOUSE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.PRIMATE.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.Species.OTHERS.value\n min_counts : int, optional Minimum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 min_genes : int, optional Minimum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: 0 max_counts : int, optional Maximum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf max_genes : int, optional Maximum number of genes expressed required for a cell to pass filtering. Default: inf chunk_size : bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize, optional Size of each separated chunk for uploading. Default: 104857600.\n Support: bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize.CHUNK_5_MB.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize.CHUNK_100_MB.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize.CHUNK_500_MB.value\n bioturing_connector.typing.ChunkSize.CHUNK_1_GB.value\n Returns ---------- Submission status : bool | str True or Error log """ study_type = -1 batch_info_name = batch_info['image'].split('/')[-1] file_names = [batch_info_name] files = [batch_info['image']] output_dir = self.upload_chunk( file_names, [Path(x) for x in files], chunk_size ) data = self._submit_study( group_id, study_id, name, authors, abstract, species, study_type, TechnologyType.PROTEOMICS.value, min_counts, min_genes, max_counts, max_genes, ) data['study_path'] = output_dir data['batch_info'] = file_names submission_status = self.post_request( api_route='api/v1/submit_study_from_local', data=data ) task_id = common.parse_submission_status(submission_status) if task_id is None: return False return self.get_submission_log( group_id=group_id, task_id=task_id )